A Sant Tradition of North India
Exploring the teachings of Sant Maharishi Mehi TRADITION

“Santmat encompasses the thoughts and ways of Saints”
Maharishi Mehi
Welcome to our site! The intention of this site is twofold. One to introduce someone who is unfamiliar with Santmat to its teachings. And two for those familiar with this tradition we have attempted to offer a broad approach of knowledge related to The Sant Mat of Shri Maharishi Mehi.
There are many web sites dedicated to Maharishi Mehis teaching and on our link page you can view some of them. On this site we are attempting to explore many of the teachers who have followed Shri Maharishi Mehi and his teachings as well as the teachers in the lineage of this tradition. The site is also intended to be a hub for English speaking followers and we have multiple translations from Hindi available here. Included are full versions of three books within the tradition. We hope you enjoy your visit here.
What is Santmat
Santmat— encompasses a set of ageless moral values, a belief in a Higher Power, and most importantly a methodology for realization of the Highest and the state of absolute Peace within one’s own self. Incorporated in that methodology is an interior road map, as it were, of the various stages, spiritual landmarks, and relevant advice from a qualified adept for achieving the goal. Santmat is not confined to the beliefs, rituals, and dogmas of any specific religions. Being universal in nature it embraces the Truths found in most of the world ‘s sacred texts and religious traditions but does not advocate any specific religion. Santmat emphasizes the universal thread running through all the various traditions. The attainment of ultimate spiritual Peace and supreme Joy within oneself is the ultimate goal of Santmat as described by Maharishi Mehi and other great sages. Although this path is not content with meager goals, it is extremely easy to understand and practice. Progress is certain; although, for most, eager and persistent effort is required.
Sant Maharishi Mehi
Sant Maharishi Mehi invites Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to Bihar India Satsang around 1975